Sunday, November 8, 2009

Intute-Film Posters

To be perfectly honest, the reason I picked this topic was I was rather interested in something I didn't know too much about. Right off the bat, I had a connection to the author of this article because I too have a bedroom surrounded with posters from movies I really enjoyed. Never have I ever stopped and took a chance to admire the rarity of this posters, especially for the vintage ones. To me, I think the older posters have more value to them is because you had guys like John Alvin and Richard Amsel spending a staggering amount of detail and hours illustrating the design of the posters. The time spent on drawing the poster out painting it truly showed through it's quality in some of the older posters such as Raiders of the Lost Ark and Star Wars: A New Hope. Now a days, the majority of the posters are done through computer graphics which requires a handful of time, but never the notion that people spent months at a time on a single poster. This same ideology can be transferred into film as well. A prime example of this is Jabba the Hut in the Star Wars series. In the original trilogy [4,5,6], you know that all of the characters such as Yoda, R2D2, and Jabba were made of puppets which took much detail to create. When you see the the prequels [1,2,3], much of the characters that you grow up watching were replaced by the wonders of CG. I'm not saying CG is bad or anything, it's just, in my opinion, the same when you compare the both examples. Switching back to the topic at hand, posters are way of showing not only the coming attraction of a film, but the reason that makes you want to go see this given film. I knew when I saw the poster for ZombieLand with Woody Harelson's face on the front, a certain drive was instilled in me that made my want to go see that movie. Well as you can see, posters have certain sentimental value to some people while other simply admire the creative sense that go into them.

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