Sunday, October 18, 2009

Reality and Paradox

In my opinion, the film could be broken down more through a psychoanalysis perspective rather than analyzing each of the film techniques (lighting, editing, acting etc.). Going into the initial viewing of this film, Un Chien Andalou, you had to have the right mindset to watch this film no matter how irrational it might be. For example, when the cyclist is in the corner with books on opposite ends of his hands, Brunel is referencing the discipline methods that teachers used back in the day on misbehaved students. Brunel really test the minds of the audience with his images representing his "unconscious" mind. The question I certainly had throughout this movie is could this all have been a series of dreams he had previous or maybe the images that were represented in this film had meaning to them. Surrealism tends to make the viewer second guess every detail that is being showed and I believe that the more you analyze this film, they more conclusions you can come up with whether they be intentional by Brunel or not. One thing for sure that I noticed throughout this film is the mise-en-scene that scattered all through out this film. Although I may not understand the full meaning of the work of Dali and Brunel, I know that whether it be image of a eye being slit or the way a camera has been positioned, all of this has purpose.

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